Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pattaya Kart Speedway

Pattaya Kart Speedway was our location for today. It had go-karts that went 40 miles per hour with no seatbelts or any real safety. We did get some cracked helmets though! Racing was fun but a little scary since the cars went so fast and your basically not really in the car as much as on it LOL.

Notice the little cars and how people are sitting on them...Troy and I sporting our tack outfits...After racing we then went over to the paintball fields and bungee jumping section. Natalia decided to go bungee jumping.

Natalia jumping..
And some of her on the bouncing part...Paintball war was GREAT! On team yellow was me and Pulkit and on team brown was Troy and Mia. Team yellow won EVERY game!!!! Woot! I got some great kill shots on Troy also. I got the most kills and Pulkit was the only one who never got killed. We made a great team. But look at our uniforms...put a women who is hot and thirsty and put her in an ugly outfit out in a field with bugs that are the size of small animals...then hand her a gun....oh yeah she is going to get some action.

Action shot...can you see BOTH players!
Winning team!

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