Friday, February 4, 2011

Drinking Games: Three Man (dice game)

And next on "educating' the Polish with our American drinking games......Three man!
You need two dice.

Game rules:
+ Take turns rolling once (normally clockwise) to determine who will be three man fist. The last person to roll a 3 or a total of three is it. You may need to go around more than once if no one gets it.

+ After the initial three man has been chosen, any time a player rolls a three on either die, the three man must take a drink.

+ If the player rolls two 3's, the three man takes two drinks.

+ If a total of 5 is rolled the player behind them must drink.

+ If a total of 7 is rolled the player in front of them must drink.

+ If doubles are rolled than there is a "roll off" (excluding 3's).  The person who rolled has to choose two other players and hand them each one of the dice. Then those players must both roll their dice at the same time. The player with the lower number must "drink the difference". So if one players rolls a 1 and the other player rolls a 3. Than the player who rolled the 1 must drink 2 drinks (3-1=2).
     ** HOWEVER if both players roll the same number than the original roller gets both dice back and has to drink the TOTAL in what they roll.  So if they get the dice back and roll a 3 plus a 5 they get 8 drinks (3+5=8).

 + If the player rolls any of these options, the player is granted another turn. Other rolls expire the turn and pass the dice to the next player.

+ If the player rolls one or both the dice off the table than they are automatic new three man and lose their turn.

+ If three man rolls double 3's they can give away three man to whomever they would like.

No real way to end or win the game...its mainly just played till no one can/wants to play more. 

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